Thursday, February 19, 2009

We Return to Europe!

Dear Family and Friends,

Ah, glorious progress. Our wanderers finally return to Europe and enter the last two months of the journey. We return to our friend Markus' home town of Dusseldorf, where we spend two nights reactimating to the comforts of Western civilization, and the euro-to-dollar ratio is at a new high in history, about $1.47 to 1 Euro.

September 20 to 21, 2007--Bangkok, Thailand,
to Dusseldorf, Germany

September 22 to 23--We Arrive in Berlin, Germany

At this time in 2008, into the third month after our return, Dani and Martha had just started new jobs in downtown Philadelphia. Today in 2009, we are still blessedly employed with challenging and interesting worklives. Our community grows in our neat little town. Love abounds as we watch our friends morph into parents, our families grow and mature, our life together enrich in our partnership.

Many blessings to you all, and thanks for reading! Look for additional postings linked to this page in the coming days.

In love and light,

Martha and Dani

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